"It is difficult to think of anything more depressing than a conference of female historians or more irrelevant to the future of the discipline of history. None of these figures has ever appeared in any work on early modern history that I have ever read or is likely to figure on any reading list I see. Historians are and should be concerned with the past of humanity, with men and women, old and young alike: being female is not a prerequisite for such studies and women's history like the histories of gender, sexuality and the family is a transient, ephemeral phenomenon."
I guess I have two responses to this. The first is, "Jane, you ignorant slut." The other is, if women historians in large groups depress you, seek treatment. Also, you need to read more -- like, a lot more.
But instead of visiting Miss Mary Rusticus to express outrage, dig this: it's really great that women historians, not to mention historians of women, gender and sexuality, are so well established that -- although our intellectual concerns do sometimes make us the object of derision by people who know very little about what we do -- such a comment appears to be a transparent attempt by a new blogger to get some attention. And it's also really great that many of us, whatever our trials may be, have a lot of good allies, colleagues and intellectual companions who are women and men and who support our work and use it to inform theirs.
Okay Rusticus -- you got our attention: now write something interesting that tells us something about what you do know.
And as for the women historians of early modern history, who also write about women, gender, and the family, if you want to start your reading, I have three words for you:
Thanks, TR--I saw the link pop up today and didn't have the heart (or the stomach of a King) to post a reply myself. Kitty Sklar said in a personal e-mail to me that 2008 was the "best Berks ever." While opinions will vary--that's good enough for me right now.
Miss Mary needs to get out and read more, fo' shore. And thanks for mentioning Natalie Davis--I kept running into NZD at early American panels, especially those about borderlands history, Atlantic World history, and African American history. She was her usual bundle of energy and engagement--I bet that some of the young scholars who got to see her in action this weekend will tell fond stories about this weekend in their graduate seminars for the next forty years.
Writing as someone who just returned from her first Berks, I have a couple of things to add to this post. First, I think Rusticus made part of my point for me when he notes that some of the women and topics that are the subjects of the Berks panels are not in history books. I believe that an important part of many scholars' work is recovery, and though I'd venture that many of the women Rusticus thinks are irrelevant are actually in a book he just hasn't ventured to read, just because a woman isn't mentioned in an already written history book doesn't mean they aren't worth studying.
Second (and this point is not as relevant academically as it is personally to me), as a young scholar presenting at her first national conference, the comfort level I felt being around so many other women who work on women was indescribable. I've been to other conferences and they are still predominately run by men who mostly work on men. Why shouldn't women be able to organize a conference to give a voice to so many unheard voices?
And my final point: Berks was an extremely well-run conference, and all the panels/roundtables I attended, including the Radical's, were informative and stimulating. If Rusticus thinks that this field is transient and ephemeral, I say 204 sessions at Berks says otherwise.
PS - When I clicked on the link to Rusticus to read the full post it was no longer there - I believe Rusticus has removed it.
None of these figures has ever appeared in any work on early modern history that I have ever read or is likely to figure on any reading list I see.
Wow. He REALLY needs to read some more. I can't think of a more ignorant comment.
(And historiann, one of my acquaintances has already told fond stories about eating dinner with NZD over the weekend!)
"Jane, you ignorant slut."
Damnit, I've always wanted to use that line! The internet was just a gleam behind that cokebottle glasses of some poor geeky misfit kids, and those guys on SNL had already boiled down gigabytes worth of future flame wars to four words.
I agree that this was one of, if not the, best run Berkshire conference ever.
Regarding Miss Mary -- I'm always suspicious when a blog does not have an "about" section of any sort. Still, s/he did mention my blog -- bad publicity is better than no publicity!
Thanks for letting me know, New Kid. NZD was really impressive! And thanks too to KC and michelle for letting me know that you enjoyed the conference and thought it went well. That is nothing I can take credit for--that's due to Ruth Karras's leadership, Lisa Norling's expertise and dedication as the Local Arrangements Committee Chair, to Julie Grazier at Conference Services, and to N'Jai-An Patters, who was our Janey-on-the-Spot at Registration, running the web, and staffing the help line at berks@umn.edu. She didn't get to go to any sessions, because she was working the whole weekend!
Your willingness to rise to the bait suggests that Rusticus has more than a point. As an academic historian of over forty years' standing, I have indeed heard of Natalie Zemon Davis and have read and enjoyed her work. Of Karin Wulf, Bianca Premo, Allyson Polska and Lisa Vollendorf, some of whom are eighteenth-century rather than early modern historians, I personally (like Rusticus) have never heard. I do, however, notice that you do not address the two major points made by Rusticus, namely, that women's history, gender history and so on has produced no new findings that were not known or could not have been predicted when this enterprise began and that the growth in appointments in these areas has been the result of a surrender by universities to the dictates of fashion and of fear of the women's movements. There are plenty of people in faculties on both sides of the Atlantic who know this is the case but who are afraid for reasons of political correctness to say so. Your personal details claim that you eschew "comments made out of sheer cattiness or venom .. and name-calling is expressly prohibited", yet your remarks on Rusticus - "Jane, you ignorant slut" - are just that. If you do not have a considered answer, admit it: do not bluster or complain you have been unfairly attacked. Rusticus got women's history dead to rights.
Leo Leroux
Dear Leo --
If you haven't heard of Allyson Poska or Lisa Vollendorf, it's possibly because their first books came out in 2006. That doesn't mean they're not important -- in fact, both of their books are some pretty important stuff for those studying either premodern women or Spanish history in general. They're also both damn good reads.
As for the other two, I don't know their work either, but my ignorance doesn't give me (or anyone else) the right to say they don't matter. To do so would be a huge act of hubris.
There's no point in responding to sheer ignorance - it's a fool's game. (It's also called "not feeding trolls.")
Darling Leo,
I can't find anyone on the internet with your name who is a historian. Did I pick you up from DIW?
But two points that might help you understand my post better:
When people are making an argument that is utterly ridiculous and utterly ideological at the same time, you don't argue with them point by point, particualry on the internet. Better we women spend our efforts on writing path-breaking history. And my quote is from Saturday Night Live: it is a satiric response to foolishness, not name calling.
And your view that women's history has produced nothing new, or nothing that couldn't have been predicted (??) is just wrong. Rusti's post, general as it is, demonstrates that he knows nothing about the field -- and neither do you, or you wouldn't say anything so silly.
When I read a blog post that begins, "As Catharine MacKinnon would say...," I generally don't expect to finish reading it with a smile on my face. (If it were possible to graffiti blogs, I would draw a heart around your last three words.) And I know that when Luker wrote that it was a "smart move" on Rusticus' part to take down the post, I have a feeling he meant, "Because if he hadn't, Claire Potter would kick his ass."
So. While I agree that feeding trolls is a poor idea, what folks like Rusticus make clear is that there is still, somehow, a giant gap between the achievements of women historians and of gender history and the way those achievements are understood, recognized, or misunderstood or unrecognized, by a wider audience -- even an academic wider audience.
Which is why I have a reader's request: would you consider doing a post on some of what you consider to be the highlights of achievements by women historians, and/or in gender history, in the past few years? Why does the Berkshire conference matter? Even those of us who work in adjacent or parallel fields, who share at least the foundations of your perspective on these things, would be edified by such a post.
This reminds me that I've been wanting to do a Rockin' Girl Scholars feature for a while now... perhaps Rusticus proves that the time is, and always will be, ripe.
I agree that anonymous jerks on the internets should not be argued with, but point of information for Notorious, Ph.D.: Both Allyson Poska and Lisa Vollendorf have published *two* books, not too shabby by women who are only about 40 years old. Vollendorf has also published an edited collection of essays, one in English in 2001, and a Spanish translation in 2005.
So, I guess that tells you where we stand in this debate: two people who have written or edited 6books between them, versus two random anonymous people on the non-peer reviewed internets. You be the judge!
Thanks for the tip on the earlier books, Historiann. I've only read the most recent two, which I found to be really excellent, and which have shaped my own thinking as I write.
A Letter from Mercurius Civicus to Mercurius Cantabrigiensis
I thank you heartily for yours of the 28th ultimo and for news of your good health and that of your university and wherein you seek intelligence of our affaires here in this great city where all things in agitation come to our notice.
Now I must tell you of our good brother, Rusticus, who, some days since, touched lightly upon the malady affecting our history these last forty years, to wit, the flowering of 'women's history, of gender history and of sexuality' (Anglice, nonsense). He wrote too upon the fears - of female agitators and of being unfashionable - that infected the tribe of jellies in our seats of learning and of their craven surrender at will to these forces. Having done so, he retired to his study for his peace and quiet save only for his retreat to an ordinary each day for his repast.
But speaking truth in this age is little less than a crime. Against him there hath been raised up an army of Amazons anxious to rip off his mask and tear off his head. They are led by one Potter, a 'wit' from Middletown, Connecticut, no less, who has anathematised Miss Mary Rusticus as an 'ignorant slut' (being ignorant of his gender) and commanded him to repeat the incantation 'Natalie Zemon Davis' to purge himself of his melancolick humour. Others, equally obscure, in our former colonies (so fortunately lost by our late King George III) have denounced him as an 'odious piece of work' and enjoined Mistress Potter to 'kick his [invisible] ass', a feat even that Hercules of electronic wall scribblings, Master Luker, could not achieve. More generously still, a little Historiann has invited him to 'kiss my ass', an overture to which good Rusticus being unused to American customs is not minded to accept on grounds of hygiene, good taste and sense.
So you see, good brother, how things stand here and what passes for sense and wit amongst the tribes of distant North America. Rest assured that Rusticus is safe, warm and well in his ordinary in the centre of the universe where we are both bidden to join him at our leisure,
Your loving brother to serve you'
Mercurius Civicus
Very cute, Mercurius Civicus, if rather beside the point.
I'm thoroughly confused by how anyone could imply, in a single sentence, that the history of sex, gender, and the family does not count as the past of humanity. Deeply bewildered. How does a remotely intelligent person manage to write that, and not notice? Lost in astonishment.
'Tis not that these are not matters of account, the burden of the charge at th'assises is that the promises made and the goods delivered differ greatly. For the discovery of women in the past and of the difference betwixt the sexes was no discovery in 1960 or 1970. Nor, in truth, was it to be regarded as equal to Columbus's voyages to th'Americas. Great empires have fallen to these female conquistadores but they have made the land of Clio no more fertile than it was before they came. All they have done is to seek to rule over it when their title is empty. Their course, I aver, is run. New fashions will come in and they themselves will be forgotten for generations to come. You may be sad but tis the way of the world,
It really is clever the way the guy writes: you must give him credit for this.
Are you being snarky? I think it makes them sound like those guys who like to perform every year at the local "Renaissance Festival," ye olde craptasitc fake history extravaganza.
I realise that Colorado is a long way from the centre of the universe but, even there, I had hoped that a sense of humour might be found. Ms Little's lack of one confirms my fears,
Mercurius Rusticus
Sense of humour? You accuse a whole academic field of being a waste of good oxygen and you expect them to have a sense of humour about it? Shove it.
Even my tenth grade students could give 2-3 examples of how the study of women's history has changed our overall understanding of history. These two jokers are having a laugh- through the internets where they can hide.
According to Cliopatria, the cute old-style *did* take three tries to achieve. And hey, we are moving toward an actual rational argument, if veerrrrry slowwwwwly.
Why isn't the land of Clio more fertile with women's history than without? And is fertile really the adjective you meant there? for I tend to associate fertile with bounty and plenty and thus sheer multiplication of fields and additions of knowledge might easily be defined as fertility, without regard to the value of the produce. Europeans landing in Brazil might have seen the Amazon as wasted land, but they didn't claim it wasn't fertile.
PS. to Leo Leroux re "Your willingness to rise to the bait suggests that Rusticus has more than a point."
Ohhh, Leo, is this your first time visiting the internet? Something about the medium makes it impossible for people to ignore the most idiotic claims. Notice I can't even resist responding to that one.
By the way, I love the virtual gender-bending that is going on here. I'm shaking my head at the whole premise of the discussion - MC, who I will insist on calling Miss Mary, does not seem interested in engaging in fruitful, informed discussion.
And this is why the Berks matters to me: because of its initial purpose, because women are still underrepresented in the profession of history, because gender historians and historians of women (and I would add race and class) help us to understand power, difference, and struggle in new and interesting ways. Because there are still older male professors and colleagues who look at my chest when I speak to them and comment on my hair, and the Berks is a salve for all of these shenanigans. And the Berks is about building communities which are woman-centered (but not exclusively female) and which provide us with an alternate vision of how the profession could operate. I love the feeling of co-operative approach, the support of younger colleagues, the willingness to explore ideas on panels that were rejected by AHA and OAH (see the panel on dual-career hires, for example).
Hey, Green Mountain Girl--as you may remember, I guest-chaired that session. Please contact me at my university e-mail address and let me know if you would like to do a guest post for historiann.com on that roundtable.
I'm a little late here, since I recovered from the Berks with a mini vacation. But -- as someone who works on the same century as Rusticus (or Rustica), and who knows the events Rusticus presumably thinks most important in that century, hir ignorance of the work of scholars who have shown how gender is a crucial part of the arguments/issues of said events is remarkable.
Sigh. The problem at Oxbridge is that they don't read US based scholars much, so ignorance is truly bliss.
Historiann, I would love to guest post on your blog on the dual-careers roundtable. I'm leaving for an international conference tomorrow, but I'll be back at the end of June - I may have internet access abroad, though. Can it wait until early July?
Great panel, by the way. Great Berks, by the way!
MR's post is just another sign of the need for for women's history and gender history alongside "more traditional" histories, or embedded within them. This episode reminds me of Joss Whedon's response when asked why he kept focusing on strong female characters - "Because you keep asking that question". Of course, that is patently not MR's goal in all this.
Dear, Dear Professor Potter !Rusticus a new blogger ? An "obscure English blogger" ? A transparent attempt to gain attention ? Rusticus "bitter" and "snarky" (the latter word is not in the OED and, therefore, does not exist) ? If you and your 'sisters' had checked the facts before you pronounced (? an habitual feminine failing ?) you would have said none of these things.
Chris: and Joss Whedon went to Zenith!
Chatterwell: sorry chief, the guy is not well known on this side of the pond.
Everyone else: probably time not to respond to the Rusticus thing anymore -- looking at the pattern here, this is a little fishy, and it would be best just to drop it. Thanks for all the constructive comments, though.
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Mater Mercurii Rustici sum
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