Tenured Radical is over at Cliopatria today, with an original about a conservative history flack, Texan David Barton, that will not be cross posted here. In an attempt to remain a legitimate member of the Cliopatria team over at History News Network, I'm going to try to post original material in each place from here on out. We'll see how that works: going rogue seems to be more my strength.
In other Radical news, you can go here for an interview with moi written by Zenith cub reporter Abbey Francis, who made serious effort to make me sound less ungrammatical than I usually do. Go here for a list of summer reading on Africa compiled by Swarthmore's Tim Burke (dude, the only book that you cannot leave off this list is Jonny Steinberg's Sizwe's Test: A Young Man's Journey Through the South African AIDS Epidemic.)
CPAC Limerick
15 hours ago
"Flack" is some kind of historian shorthand for "despicable lying hateful scumbagge"?
That's a good enough recommendation for me! (Shamefacedly, I admit that I have not read Sizwe's Test yet.)
CPP: yes, it's a technical term. I'm impressed that you know it.
Tim: I actually read it while I was in S. Africa, where the bookstores are just sumptuous -- one of the mysteries of literary life, in my view, is how many Anglophone books from around the world (Canada) are virtually unavailable here. I had some other ideas too, but I don't think people can get them.
All this hanging around with historians and humanists and shitte is rubbing offe on me!
Isn't there a pithy quote from someone along the lines of "there is never a shortage of ill-educated young people willing to write what uneducated wealthy people are willing to pay them to write about"?
Mr. Barton is probably a little past the "young" stage, but given the output of the various hack tanks for hire (Claremont Institute, I'm looking at you), there appears to be plenty of opportunity...
As always, nice work, Dr. Potter, here and at Cliopatria.
TF Smith
Great information, you have a wonderful blog and an excellent article!!
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