Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Queer Blogging

Some of you cat blog, I queer blog. So here goes.

For you social scientists and political activists, there is a non-profit called IssueLab: this month their CloseUp is on LGBTQ youth. IssueLab is a free online archive of nongovernmental, nonprofit, and University research on all sorts of social issues. You might find it useful when looking for research on almost any subject. This months CloseUp includes articles from nonprofits like GLSEN, Advocates for Youth, and Youth in Focus. (Hat Tip to Vanessa Beck who seems to be getting the word out about this valuable resource through blogs and websites like this one.)

Historians can also benefit from the many emails I receive from Karen Krahulik, of the Committee on Lesbian and Gay History (an American Historical Association Affiliate that, the last time I looked, was moving to change its name to be more inclusive, but either that decision isn't final yet or the website hasn't been updated. But if you are bi or trans, don't be freaked out -- it's in the works.) Karen wrote on May 19, 2008 that:

"Rainbow History’s site now includes ten new pdf documents of the gay left in the 1970s, including issues of Come Out Fighting, Red Flag, and Gay Left. Also online are two Lavender & Red Union readers. The documents can be accessed from this site. All recently added archival documents are listed on the home page."

Karen has also notified us that GLAD has developed a series of historical podcasts; this page will also link you to a blog page where readers are invited to share their memories of the senior prom. (Mary, puh-leese!)

And by the way, you can get emails from Karen too if you join the CLGH. It only costs $5.00 if you are a student, and you can be a lifetime member for only $150.00! What a steal!

And now for something completely different.

If you are in the mood for a little queer procrastination, go take this test to see how you would rate as a husband or wife in the 1930's. Since I wrote a book about the 1930's, and we seem to be entering a major re(de)pression, I couldn't resist. You have to pick a gender: the test doesn't assign you one. But frankly, it's queer whomever you are and whatever marital assignment you choose. And as it turns out:


As a 1930s husband, I am
Very Superior

Take the test!

Hat Tip. And no, princess, it isn't wrong to want to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer all day. If you are in an English department, you could even get away with calling it work.


Debrah said...

Here is a very provocative blog I came upon recently.

This woman is outspoken and works exhaustively for her cause.

Seems she will be blogging from Denver and is getting lots of attention.

The Diva does not agree with many of her views; however, she is a righteous dudette in the pursuit of her goals.

Anastasia said...

Well... I am a Very Superior 1930s husband (109) and a Poor (25) 1930s wife. I guess you can't win 'em all. But how was I to know that walking around the house in stocking feet was being a bad wife?? At least I like "educational and cultural things."

Unknown said...

Creepily, I got 114 too...

Bear Left said...

CLGH hasn't reached any decision about the name change, fyi, partly b/c what we rename ourselves depends on what our mission is... and that's up for some debate. I can't remember at all - were you at the last business meeting at AHA in DC?

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