Do I want to scream at Mary Dudziak for shilling this book? No. I admire her. And I have many reasons to be grateful to Mary Dudziak, only one of which is that she has mounted this great blog that helps us keep up with what is coming out in the fields of legal and political history. The other reasons will have to remain a Mystery as they have to do with Very Secret Professional Business.
Back to Kenneth Ackerman's book. I'm sure this is a fine book, but its very appearance plays to an ongoing trauma of mine. My trauma is this: I cannot tell you how many more or less general books have -- and will be -- published about the FBI. It is like the Civil War: there is literally an endless market for such books, and they are mostly all the same. And they sell many copies before they go out of print.

You are now wagging your virtual finger at me and saying, "Stop the whining Radical, you got tenure with this first book, didn't you?"
We-e-e-ll, yes.
"And isn't that worth a lot of money over the years?"
I guess so.
"And you get a little check once a year that is usually between $100 and $200, don't you?"
"Isn't it the case that many authors never see a dime beyond their advance money?"
"Have you ever gone out of print in nine years?"
No (feeling small now).
"And if you look at the Amazon site, there are 53 people selling your book from $2.73 on up. At Labyrinth, an independent bookstore where you should always be shopping, you can get it used for $6.98, $15.02 off the cover price, damn it! Doesn't that suggest that a lot of people are actually reading your damn book? Maybe adopting it in their courses? And that they don't feed it to the pigs afterwards?"
Yeah. So?
"And doesn't a graduate student run up to you once in a while and -- in an appropriately breathless way -- ask if you are, in fact, the actual author of this book?"
Yes. But I wanted fame and lots of money and to be on the Lehrer News Hour. And to be desired by all. I especially wanted to be desired by all.
"Hush up and get back to work Radical. You know, Tinkerbell isn't writing your second book while you work on blog posts, you nitwit."
OK. Bye. You are right. I've stopped screaming now.
I love it!!!
I also found your comments on Flavia's latest post delicious.
Can I just say how very much I desire you, Radical?
You may!
just so you know -- I heard you:
and I thought I was the only one who got into academia to be famous and rich and on the lehrer news hour and to be desired by all.
$100 to $200? That sounds pretty good by my standards, as does all the activity on Amazon. As to plagiarism for more popular venues--it's happened to me too, and after a while you take it as flattery.
Good going, TR!
This is hilarious! I work for the Yale University Press and we we're working on two different FBI books, one released last season and one to be released next season.
-Wes student
What is this "advance" of which you speak?
How often do you hear these voices in your head?
Didn't someone attempt to tear you a new one for some insane thing or other, thereby demonstrating his own abiding idiocy, in that peculiar semi-public forum known as the Zenith student paper a year or two ago? That was kinda neat, a little hilarious, and counts as attention.
Also, using my immense powers as Doyenne of the New Eden Books Cash Register, I've just surreptitiously special-ordered your book, and a few others, so that I may sneak them out of special orders and onto the shelves (faced out, obvi).
A small hill o' beans, but I'm not ashamed to say that I take advantage of authority wherever I can get it.
Let me just say: Hooray! Other female legal historians out there! I was beginning to think I was the only one.
tgYfDz Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
OORfbr Please write anything else!
Nice Article.
Nice Article.
Nice Article.
Nice Article.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
UW0tDU Thanks to author.
Wonderful blog.
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