Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why Does The Sun Go On Shining? Why Does The Sea Rush to Shore?

The answer to these and other pressing questions can be found here, with a Big Hair Bonus.  (And yes, I would embed, but YouTube won't let me.  Buncha intellectual property pansies, if you ask me.)

For a brief history of Skeeter Davis, born Mary Penick, go here.  Here's hoping you survive the day, and if you don't, that we encounter each other in that Big Blogger Meetup in the Sky.


Dorothy Potter Snyder said...

I will continue to blog, either from outer space or from a ditch somewhere near Virginia Beach! Here's to eternity, TR!

David said...

Great music, those people are really talented.

Knitting Clio said...

Don't know, but you inspired me to perform this at an open mike on Sunday. Did not get booed off the state, in fact folks clapped politely.

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