Closer investigation reveals a somewhat entrepreneurial intellectual venture. There may or may not be a connection between the fact that the founding gift was given by (or on behalf of) someone named Thomas Critchlow, and the journal ("committed to an interdisciplinary approach to policy history since 1989) it puts out is run by historian Don Critchlow -- who is also Director of the Institute. As one editorial board member put it when I was praising the conference, "Don basically runs things. I mean, it's a democratic organization, but he tells us what to do."
Well, if so, he's doing a good job. And although I have heard that Critchlow is a conservative scholar, the stimulating ideological diversity of the conference makes me wonder: what kind of mileage do we actually get from labeling ourselves or others? Is it just a symptom of our tendency, as academics, to distinguish ourselves from the herd or, more unfortunately, excuse what we are afraid others will perceive as our shortcomings? Interesting scholars are interesting scholars, and it dumbs everything down to put people in boxes - or worse, choose a box and proclaim loudly that it's the best box there is.
Speaking of diversity, I did want to run the question of gender up the flagpole for a second. Women -- and to some extent scholars of color -- were well-represented at the conference, and that' a heartening thing to see for a middle-aged scholar who has experienced the dismay that by gender alone she was often disqualified from being perceived as a political historian. It is also gratifying to see, as Lassiter observes, that the methods of cultural history are now an acknowledged tool for doing political history, because that simply wasn't true when some of us began that project several decades ago. It is also true that panels with women and scholars of color were well-populated. That said -- the panels that were actually about gender were placed at times where it was likely that they would have small audiences: in my case, this was at 8:30 Saturday morning. The Petigny panel was in the first slot Thursday when many people had not yet arrived, and the panel on ERA was Sunday morning. For the last, obviously it is going on as I speak, and I have no idea how many are there. This is particularly odd, since a significant amount of Critchlow's work has been on the political history of gender, including a very well received book on Phyllis Schlafly and another on abortion.
One thing that has occurred to me is that political historians are delighted to hear from women -- hearing about women, gender or sexuality and imagining them as vital political topics is still a hurdle to be crossed, as is hearing about those topics from women since the Petigny panel on Thursday was quite well-attended.
So that's something to think about when planning for the 2012 conference begins: my guess is that this is a phenomenon I noticed because of the size of the conference, but for the same reason, it could be easily addressed.
I didn't attend much of the conference (since I live near Columbus, I just drove in to interlope at one panel), but it seemed that interesting papers foregrounding gender were sprinkled throughout. The panel I saw, for example, included a terrific paper by Sarah Rose on the gendering of early disability policy, and gender and class came up in another paper on the panel as well. In both cases, the validity of a gender lens seemed entirely uncontroversial.
I'm in media studies, not policy history per se, and given my keyhole view of the conference and the field, I can't really speak to the larger concern here. But my impression was gender is simply understood to be an important category of analysis for most policy histories. If true, that's a heartening development: if the scholarship is there, then it is indeed a small technical matter for conference planners to be more cognizant of scheduling.
Yeah, yeah. Panels, schmanels. Tell us about the fucking drinking parties!
Thanks for these updates TR. Clearly I need to attend this conference next time it happens.
I presented at the 2008 conference (a paper about the early days of permanently integrating women into the US military post-WW2 - offshoot of my larger dissertation). As I recall, gender panels were also very early in the morning (first of the day) - with the exception of one that included Linda Kerber and was some sort of special panel (I don't remember what it was, exactly). That panel was at a good time, if I recall correctly.
But - again, I think I'm recalling correctly here - there were a number of panels that seemed to have something to do with gender and they were all held at the same time. Immediately after lunch. I was on one of those panels, and while I liked the time slot okay, it basically sucked to miss the other panels that interested me very much - and split the audience attendance, from the looks of it.
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