In this initial post, and in those to follow, I am trying to guard against sweeping statements and observations. Because I am an academic, and trained to do precisely that, I am sure that I will fail. But I will try all the same. It's my experience that taking one's self to an entirely different place creates a drastic shift in perspective that feels like a wave of new knowledge, but that the prospect of really "knowing" much about the place or society one has entered is much farther off. But here are a few snapshots.
Prior to our departure, a great many reasonable people (several of whom were friends from South Africa) went on at length about crime here and instructed us on how to avoid it; most also agreed that the Western Cape is less dangerous than the more industrialized areas around Pretoria and Johannesburg, which is where the bulk of the really serious crime occurs. As a former New Yorker, and now an inhabitant of a Shoreline community that is a site for regular street crimes, I consider myself rather sophisticated on this topic, and yet friends urged me to not assume that this knowledge would benefit me abroad. These conversations, and firm advice given here by the people who have been in charge of our lodgings, suggest that South Africans are aware of the possibility of personal violence at all times. We have been urged, for example, to submit to petty theft, much as one was often advised in New York back in the 1970s to carry a twenty dollar bill to hand to a mugger, as it provokes muggers to feel unsuccessful if you do not. But clearly things are different here. Signs on private residences and businesses warn potential intruders that there will be "armed response." Here in the village where we are staying, there are regular patrols by private guards in cars, wearing bullet-proof vests, and carrying automatic weapons. There are also unarmed citizen patrols, who are (as our volunteer neighborhood watch explained to me) "extra eyes and ears" who can call the police in by radio if they see something worrisome.
I confess, it all makes me terribly uncomfortable. But as we tell our students, discomfort is often the sign of a shift in perspective that can help a person learn new things. So I am trying to remain open as to what this more naked show of force might teach me about where I am.
For example, yesterday in De Doorns, a farming community in the interior Western Cape, 1,000 seasonal workers drove 3,000 Zimbabwean migrant workers out of their homes by stoning, accusing the foreign workers of accepting lower wages than were being paid to South Africans. The article I have linked to in The Cape Times does not cite any arrests; last night on the news, only two arrests were reported. In the United States this would just be a stunning outcome, and clearly the news anchor who was receiving the live report from De Doorns was stunned on a certain level. "You can't just have mobs running people out of their houses, can you?" (if you imagine a tonal uptick on the word "can" it becomes clear that this was a rhetorical question.)
Possibilities for the lack of arrests, and the inability of the state to control the mob, spring to mind. One is the vexed politics of policing in a country still so shaped by the ideological, political and geographical work of apartheid. Another is the possibility that the state has an interest in the indirect expulsion of migrants fleeing Robert Mugabe's violence as well but cannot -- or does not wish to -- take it on as a political or legal task. The stream of desperate African refugees exiting Zimbabwe is far steadier and larger than we in the United States, who have largely been exposed to stories of white farmers being driven out by Africans, had been led to expect. We met two young Zimbabweans on the beach yesterday, a brother and sister who arrived as refugees approximately when we arrived as tourists. Lucy told us, as she watched her brother Leonard swim in the ocean for the first time in his life, that the situation for working Africans is so bad that in her view "Only God can stop Mugabe." This opened my mind to the thought that the South African government sees itself as having a moral responsibility to these refugees that it cannot reconcile with its own problem of domestic poverty, inadequate housing and surplus labor. But these are only three possibilities, grounded very much in political theories I know well, and I have not yet found the local sources that might make my ability to analyze this event more place-specific.
To conclude, I am becoming very much aware that the blogger's dilemma is intensified and made more obvious when one is abroad and the temptation to interpret one's observations through the lens of similarity is strong. The freedom to write anything that comes into my head has to be balanced and restrained by a high consciousness about the uncooked nature of my observations and the terrible incompleteness of what even concentrated reading can accomplish in a short time. There is much that I am seeing that is new to me, and pinning it together with what I know, what I know I don't know, and what I have any authority to express an informed opinion about, is going to be a critical challenge for me as a writer and a scholar in the next several months. While I will return to U.S.-based topics from time to time, I will hope to do so as exercises in comparative and global historical thinking, keeping at the forefront of my mind that I have colleagues who have spent their entire careers to date learning the things that are now so new to me.
I hope you will want to stick with me.
It's a fantastic country, despite its problems. Be sure to visit the District Six Museum, and Constitution Hill when you get to Jo'burg . And the Botanical Gardens are splended. And while you're in the Cape, I recommend reading Zakes Mda's Ways of Dying.
Have fun!
Wow, that's amazing. I look forward to reading your thoughts on South Africa and its neighbors. We get so little information about the world here in the US.
Have you read Jean and John Comaroff's work on culture,law, and policing in South Africa? They're anthropologists but also have a keen sense of doing anthro and history together. It's interesting stuff.
Great post, T.R., and look forward to the sequels.
One thing: are you sure you're not underestimating the use of private security, as well as the casualization of violence, in the U.S. as opposed to Canada and much of Europe?
There are firearm-equipped employees of a private firm all over my urban campus - hired from the communities at the outside of the circle of gentrification the university itself has created, in order to counterbalance the alleged threat posed to the university by other members of those same communities. I think about this constantly.
The other day my friend found a shell outside the Vietnamese deli where we go to buy tofu hoagies and organic macaroni and cheese. She, a D.C. native, laughed and held it up to the sun. Her British boyfriend cringed in horror - because he comes from a place where only those very, very serious about violence own guns, private citizens are not allowed to carry them, and only highly specialized government units go armed. Something to think about.
Great post. I found the warning to not base our observations of a culture on our own experiences particularly informative. I'll keep that in mind when blogging future world travels.
I realize I should say something spectacular, but . . . I am foaming at the mouth jealous. My exotic classroom is the community college classes at the prison.
I have lived in Cape Town all my life & never personally been a victim of crime nor witnessed crime firsthand. Its a large, beautiful & very diverse country, with each city being completely different from the other, Cape Town could be anywhere in Europe, Johannesburg is more African, but is still very unique & has dangerous parts like Hillbrow, just like NYC has the Bronx, which are to be avoided. SA has its problems, but its a must to visit & see. I hope you enjoy the trip & look forward to your observations of your experience.o
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Thanks for the effort you took to expand upon this post so thoroughly.
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South Africa is a fabulous country if you put all the poverty and people starving to death out. The landscapes are beautiful and the few people I met there were very nice to me!
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