It is on account of this climate of intimidation and the lockdown on political discourse that we resorted to calling for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions in the context of an international call for divestment. Where there is no access to the political process, those who seek justice must once more do so by appealing directly to the conscience of the public.
In response to the call from Palestinian civil society and from more than 500 courageous Israeli citizens, we urge a boycott of Israeli academic institutions, not only to protest their utter silence in the face of the ongoing destruction of Palestinian educational infrastructure, but also because we believe that the call for boycott, divestment and sanctions still can influence Israel’s public opinion and avert a catastrophic outcome. Boycott, by using the moral force of non-violent means, strengthens those elements in Palestinian and Israeli civil society that are seeking a just resolution to the conflict without resort to violence, ethnic cleansing or destruction. An institutional boycott neither targets individual scholars nor seeks to silence genuine dialogue. It calls for a moratorium on “business-as-usual” with Israeli institutions that have turned a blind eye to the destruction and disruption of Palestinian schools and universities and to the denial of academic freedom. Their institutional silence is the true death of learning and of intellectual exchange. It is Palestinian, not Israeli, institutions whose isolation must be challenged: For the former it is lethal, for the latter it can be short-lived.
For decades, Israel has been in defiance of international law and humanitarian norms. Israel has claimed to engage in negotiation while continuing to extend its network of illegal settlements and roads that segment Palestine and destroy any prospect of a viable Palestinian state. It continues to expropriate Palestinian lands and to build a separation wall that denies Palestinians their right to freedom of movement. It continues its resort to overwhelming military force and the use of weaponry illegal in civilian areas. In all this, it feeds and encourages the extremists and fuels the cycles of violence and hopelessness. None of this would be possible without U.S. material support and without the impunity assured by the United States’ blind acquiescence.
We take no position on the outcome of negotiations. We do fear, however, that those Israeli and Palestinian commentators who believe that the two-state solution has been deliberately undermined by Israel’s illegal settlements and fragmentation of the occupied territories are right. The outcome will either be a state where Israelis and Palestinians, Arabs and Jews, can live together in full equality or a terrible repetition of the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. The latter solution is discussed openly by Israeli politicians and academics and has become all the more likely with the recent electoral successes of the racist party, Yisrael Beiteinu. Never have the prospects for a negotiated settlement seemed so fragile, and never has it been so urgent for the American public to exercise its moral force.
There comes a time in every struggle for justice when measures that have been unthinkable and unspeakable become morally imperative. In the struggle for justice for Palestine, boycott and divestment are now such measures.
Now, I want to say I find Lloyd's argument one of the most moving and persuasive that I have heard to date. But I am still profoundly opposed to boycott and divestment for the following reasons.
It does not address the real problem in the region, which is that states -- primarily the United States, Russia, and former Soviet-bloc countries -- continue to cynically pour weapons into the Middle East, as if it is possible to arm resistance fighters and the Israeli government to the teeth and also negotiate for "peace."
It does not address the fact that the United States government has been a bigger investor than any corporation, through annual foreign aid packages that have been, or are, used to (depending on the date and the issue), among other things, support illegal Jewish settlements colonizing Palestinian land, and bolster policing of a system of partial citizenship for Palestinians within Israeli jurisdictions that would be illegal in the United States.
It does not address the hypocrisy of American academics' call for a boycott at a moment in history when universities and their faculties in the United States have done nothing effective to halt (or even impede) a ruinous, illegal American war policy in the Middle East that is now expanding, illegally, into Pakistan. There has been no coherent, effective or even visible challenge to the expansion of the American military state; or to the federally-mandated military recruitment of our children, adolescents and young people in educational institutions receiving federal funds (which is virtually all educational institutions.) And our horror, as progressive intellectuals, about the atrocities committed to secure Israel's border, seems to be neatly separated from the atrocities committed against Central and Latin Americans in the name of American "homeland security:" security walls, shooting to kill by American border police, denying life-saving benefits to those without documents, strip-searches at the border, the separation of families, the deportation of children entitled to citizenship with their undocumented families, and the incarceration of undocumented people in secret, private prisons. Among other things.
Despite the fact that this boycott is clearly aimed at the Israeli state, not individual Jewish scholars, and despite the fact that false charges of anti-Semitism have been used to silence critics of Israel, the ethical mandate so movingly described by Lloyd and others does not mitigate my fear that a boycott of Israeli scholars opens the door to a revival of anti-Semitism in American academic life, and in American life more generally.
Intellectual boycotts profoundly violate the idea that a scholarly community is defined by the free exchange of ideas: this is the essence of what makes scholars different from ideologues. That the free exchange of ideas has been inhibited by groups like AIPAC does not alter my belief that we must cherish this principle and oppose all efforts to undermine it on the left or the right.
In other words, I think David Lloyd's article is sentient and elegant on the ethical issues involved, both at home and abroad. But I think boycott is wrong-headed. And I think a divestment policy that does not address foreign and military aid to Israel, American culpability for the current crisis in international relations, and the international arms trade that is feeding weapons to both sides, is fatally flawed.
Okay... You effectively rebuff one plan of action. What alternatives are available?
It does not address the hypocrisy of American academics' call for a boycott at a moment in history when universities and their faculties in the United States have done nothing effective to halt (or even impede) a ruinous, illegal American war policy in the Middle East that is now expanding, illegally, into Pakistan.
Hear, hear. I hardly think that boycotting Israeli academic institutions is going to have a big effect on government policy, albeit it might make a few American (and Canadian) intellectuals feel good. Lobby for and demand real change in the policies of our elected representatives -- that's a better way to go.
Well, I support the divestment of American universities from stocks that are based on Israeli companies, companies that supply Israel with goods used in the occupation and destruction of Palestinian homes, and companies that provide financial support to Israel (i.e., McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Starbucks, et. al.). But then, I have boycotted these things personally for the last 8 years.
I DO NOT support the idea of boycotting Israeli universities and scholars. In fact, those scholars at those universities are frequently the loudest and most persuasive voices condemning the occupation from within Israel.
I do think that boycotts are never effective in themselves, but in the sense that they gain media coverage, help to inform the public and mobilize support, I find them to be an important tool. If people ask me "Why don't you drink Coke" and I tell them, it's a chance to educate them, inform them, motivate them to think, even if for only a minute or two. It can help as a step forward. And the larger the number of informed people, the larger the number of people who become active and send the letters that they should send to their representatives.
My point being is that no one expects a boycott to end the Occupation. But if it helps just a little bit then I'm up for it.
I always wonder why it's always Israeli academics who have to answer for the crimes of their nation-state, and never the academics of other countries.
I oppose boycotting academics. But that's very different from divestment. I think Naomi Klein's call for divestment is right:
Most of the arguments I see against in this post are either about boycotting academics or change the subject.
What's wrong with lobbying against US support for occupation and divesting from Israel at the same time?
Did you also oppose the academic boycott of South African scholars during apartheid? If not, how do you justify this double standard? The fact is that Israeli academics have been complicit in the racist policies in the Occupied Territories. They may be even more complicit in providing support to the occupation than White South African academics were in maintaining apartheid.
Why must the discussion always focus on an axis that is away from the United States? The U.S. supported South Africa for most of the apartheid period. The U.S. also helped to arm groups like UNITA and RENAMO in Africa to fuel South African's total strategy and civil war in Angola and Mozambique. Shouldn't American academics have been boycotted then by these same standards?
Whenever people talk about this they act like their moral position is perfectly clear whereas the moral positions of scholars in other countries has been deeply compromised.
Anyway, if academics start making each other responsible for the crimes of their respective governments, soon no one will be able to talk to anyone. I don't know what has ever been gained by a lack of dialogue.
As an Israeli-American who has been completely confused by this entire discussion, its nice to see a coherent statement against what I know in my gut I cannot support- a boycott of the people of my country. Academics are, just like in the States, an important part of the Israeli left-wing community. There will not be an end to the occupation if the left continues to be marginalized (the recent elections are scary proof). Obviously I would never be able to participate in any sort of economic boycott of Israel, but I do not have such a fundamental problem with the concept.
What Americans can and should do is to push for one big divestment- that of the American government from the Israeli military. It's one of the only things that would have an immediate effect on Israeli policy.
And part of this point is a frustrating conversation that I have all the time- I am asked, by Americans, to be ashamed of my identity, to denounce my people and my home, not just my government (which I do regularly). When I point that by virtue of being Americans they too are complicit in violence and occupation, both by their own government and in support of many others, but that nobody ever intrudes upon their identity as Americans because of it, they brush me off. I have never felt like my point is heard. There is an enormous arrogance of lefty activists in this country who think that they have the right and obligation to criticize every other place on earth, but never truly turn a reflexive eye inward and examine what is closest to them. There are many conflicts where American involvement creates more death, destruction, oppression and violence, and where American disengagement would be an enormous positive step. It might be valuable for activists in this in this country to keep this in mind while they campaign for change in far-away countries.
Tangentially related, but do those who support a boycott of Israeli academics also support the recent actions of the United Arab Emirates in barring Israeli tennis player Shahar Peer from playing in the Dubai tournament?
I thought Andy Roddick did the right thing by refusing to defend his title at Dubai because of the boycott of Peer. That's going to cost Roddick money and in the rankings, but it was nice to see him take a stand.
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