In order to build suspense, in true David Letterman style (hey -- if the writers for Letterman's show never come back maybe they'll hire me and I can move back to New York!) I will start listing from the ten spot, reserving my Big Turkey Award for last. So without further ado, the winners are:
10. KC and the Sunshine Band, whose persistence in harassing members of the Duke University faculty and anyone who is, or ever has been, associated with them (or who has commented inadvertently on the Legal Case That Will Not Be Mentioned Ever Again Lest We Say Something Terribly Wrong And Incite Them to More Hate Mail) has become so extreme that it has become a separate phenomenon from the original issue, now resolved (in court, at least.) Give up this obsession, people, and get on with your lives as everyone else connected with this case has done. And by the way, if you write New President about me the way the way you wrote my former President about me, from what I have observed so far I think he will probably give me a big raise.
9. Alan Dershowitz who, not content with employing his fine mind in support of torture, wrote an unsolicited letter that helped take down the tenure case of DePaul political science professor Norman Finklestein. Alan -- can you please tell us why someone at Harvard Law School cares who is tenured at DePaul in political science? Inquiring minds want to know. How about taking an interest in whether women and people of color are tenured at Harvard Law School, why don't you? Or whether your research assistants use quotation marks when they take notes?
8. Margaret Spellings, chief of the United States Department of Education, who knew students were being ripped off by student loan lenders and financial aid officers collaborating with each other, but did nothing about it until her hand was forced by a New York State investigation.
7. Bloggers like this one who have been feeding the very peculiar conspiracy theory that the Virginia Tech shooting was a plot, carried out by Blackwater, to cover up the brewing national financial aid scandal. According to this little-known truth teller, the shooter was studying quietly in his room, where he was assassinated and his corpse was moved to the scene of carnage. Yikes. What will the bastards do next? Shoot up innocent people in Baghdad?

5. Washington D.C.'s Board of Education, for firing Gerald Norde from the charter school where he worked as a teacher. Norde charges he was dismissed for inquiring as to why students were being persistently listed on his class roll who had either dropped out or had never been enrolled at all. Guess why? So the school district could be billed for them, using money that was being siphoned away from public school children who are real and actually do attend school! One account of that controversy is here.
4. A joint Turkey award goes to the Philadelphia Board of Education and to Chris Whittle, founder and CEO of Edison, a for profit education corporation that takes over urban public schools and runs them into the ground while -- you guessed it -- siphoning off taxpayer money. This month Edison's stock price went through the floor, and to pay the bills Whittle removed books and equipment from the Edison schools in Philadelphia and sold them. For money. Whittle also proposes that each child enrolled in an Edison school be forced to work an hour a day without pay so that the schools can cut maintenance costs, thus making the corporation more efficient. Read about it here.
3. David Horowitz, for inventing "Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week," a national event featuring himself, that was supposedly an attempt to "rock...the nation" with "the biggest conservative campus protest ever." Topping the charts on the all-time biggest conservative protest nationwide would not be hard, of course, since conservative students -- being conservative, by nature -- tend not to be interested in rocking the nation. Name a) any mass conservative protest that has occurred on your campus (this requires lots of conservatives showing up at the same time, not just twenty or thirty); or b) any conservative protest at all on your campus that was not staged as a counter-demonstration. Actually, however, Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week was a not terribly successful strategy to get Horowitz back in the news after the 101 so-called radical academics named in his 2006 book failed to be upset enough about it to make it a cause celebre. Oh yes, rocking the nation with conservative protest was also a strategy to rock lecture fees into the pocket of at least one conservative. Who needs the security of tenure if you can be as financially successful as David Horowitz has been by making a profession out of criticizing people with tenure? I ask you. Would that I had thought of it first.
2. The Turkey for Unnecessary Incivility Towards a Person Who Does Not Matter goes to students who thought an appropriate response to David Horowitz speaking on their campus was to attempt to restrict his speech by booing, throwing things, and childishly turning their backs on him. For the unnecessary fodder this provided for right-wing attacks on academia, click here. Please. Go protest the war, as opposed to protesting people who say dumb things about the war.
And finally, the Radical's Top Turkey of the Year (for the Biggest Turkey in Education) is:

Loved the post!
Hope you, N, the nephew, and the rest of the family have a great holiday!
Great post, really depressing turkeys. And they're all still alive and talking, while eating... turkeys.
Thanks for the turkeys. The competition is intense, alas. The link on the Edison story failed, but that's been a scam waiting to fail for 15 years. Meanwhile, I have a friend who teaches at another of Shoreline's "dropout factories", a small charter. Turns out that any kid who starts at a school and doesn't graduate is labeled a "dropout". Methodology 101 anyone? I mean, it's great PR, but not exactly helpful.
These are educational turkeys as opposed to societal turkeys that are typically the context of turkey awards.
Disagree on the Dersowitz turkey, not because of the Harvard guy but because hate is a political science qualification (Norm P.).uvtunwxj
He he, well played. I am glad I found your blog.
this is one of your better posts, tr--well fricken done! i can't believe somebody wrote a letter to your past president about you? good god, you almost have to feel sorry for people.
i second the last one as the most egregious, but my two biggest annoyances are the duke case that will not be mentioned and alan d.
alan D.!!!! this man have goo gobs of money pouring in from certain organizations....
Ha! That was great. I can't imagine how depressing it would be to attend or teach at a "drop out factory".
Are you always this childish or do you assume a different persona in your work life --- surely they don't pay you for such puerile thought processes---why such superficial dishonesty for the public?
It's KC again, with or without the Sunshine band! I always know that when I get a big bounce in my numbers you are back, my Brooklyn College colleague.
Anonymous comment 1:05 --Yes, I am always this childish. And unlike you, KC, I only have one persona. Do you always talk about Duke when you teach?
Anonymous comment 9:04 --You needed to take a look at the other anonymous comment. Because I am always this childish, my comments on the first Thanksgiving were intended to be a childish spoof on politically correct critiques of Thanksgiving. Pilgrims didn't have covered dishes either. Duh.
Hi Professor Potter:
I haven't seen any evidence that Professor Johnson harassed anyone at Duke or anyone else for that matter.
In any event, you mention that "the Legal Case That Will Not Be Mentioned Ever Again Lest We Say Something Terribly Wrong And Incite Them to More Hate Mail) has become so extreme that it has become a separate phenomenon from the original issue, now resolved (in court, at least.)" However, I'm not sure what you mean that the "legal case" or "original issue" has been "resolved in court."
Are you referring to the accusor's allegations? Those allegations were unbelievable to most folks from fairly early on and were proven to be a false *before* the allegations reached court. Thanks to Professor Johnson and many others, some innocent kids avoided thirty years of jail.
Since the rape allegations were proven to be false *before* reaching court, are you referring to the ongoing civil suits associated with the seemingly unconstitutional and outrageous prosecution of the students? If so, those cases haven't been resolved in court yet.
Are you referring to Mike Nifong's conviction for criminal contempt of court? If so, I'm not sure why you don't want to comment on Nifong.
Many thanks for letting me comment.
Referring to previous comment enquiring about the childish nature of the blog - KC or whatever did not write that - I did -I do realize the earlier part was a joke- ie you know Indians didn't use covered pots....
I did however seriously wonder why
your tone was so "childish" -not -"childlike"- in its approach to matters.
I think the issue that you raise about "unnecessary fodder... for right-wing attacks" that comes from stupidly shouting down Horowitz and the like is a good one, and even connects to the turkey who's inspired all the bright, sunshiney commments. A leftover from the "potbanging" protest at the Duke lacrosse team's house soon after the case broke is a picture of people holding up a banner that screams "Castrate!!". I think the whole protest was foolish but that banner in particular was hypocritical idiocy. Naturally it's been wonderful fodder for KC Johnson and others. He fully deserves the turkey award, but he was also given too much fodder in the first place.
Loved the DC shout-out. Does it suprise you to know that the charter schools overseen by the Board of Ed were taken away and given to the other charter authorizer in town, the one whose ED WASN'T convicted of embezzlement?
I love this town, I really do.
Are Washington DC public schools drop out factories?
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