I am doing this in part because I am impatient to get back to writing critique, or humor, or whatever else you read this for, and while anonymity served that for a while, it no longer does. I would like to note a few things about why which may be thought provoking for other anonymous bloggers. Let me say that I don’t think everyone should give up anonymity: I just think I should. I am now well-known at my institution as a blogger, and it puts my friends in an increasingly uncomfortable position not to be able to talk to me about issues I raise that implicate them. It also puts the burden on any current and future students of not knowing whether, by agreeing to take a class from me, they are also agreeing to be written about in my blog (not). In both cases, I would have to say there is enough anxiety and drama in the world without me creating it too, even inadvertently and with the best intentions.
I would like to explain a few things about the blog up until now, and then say what I have learned as I move on to my second blogging career.
Why did I choose Tenured Radical? Well, a little bit of ego, salted with wit, critique and self-directed irony. I was shocked, when I put the blog together, that the name was still available, given how widely used it is (and of course, Cary Nelson has published a book called Manifesto of a Tenured Radical.) My intention was that this pseudonym call attention to a critique of the academy that originated on the right and that masks a peculiar reality: that almost none of us are very radical. And really, we need to think about why.

Why did I choose the name Zenith? Here I have to credit my old friend Clarence Walker, who refers to Wesleyan as “Zenith,” and he of course is making a multi-layered reference to Sinclair Lewis. Which you probably understood all along. But in lieu of a footnote crediting Clarence’s wit, I offer this explanation.
Why do you call your dog Sailor? Because her AKC name is Wizard’s Excalibur Sailor. Her kennel, or “call,” name is Breezy. So is her personality.

What have I learned?
Part of the reason composite characters don’t work, other than what I have said before, is that if you really write about a Person, make the description of that person and the events accurate, and are willing to take responsibility for it by putting your name on the blog, there will be basically one person who is or is not pissed off and may or may not talk to you about it. I intend not to put myself in this position in the future, but I think this is an accurate assessment of that choice. On the other hand, composite characters written about anonymously guarantee that there will be fifteen or twenty people seeing themselves in each player you have in any given narrative. And if you add a dash of paranoia (I know this is in short supply in the academy, but still--) many of them will be strangers, more or less, who don't know you well enough to know that you don't sit at home Sundays looking for people to crucify. So anonymous blog posts can end up being little literary cluster bombs creating that redundant thing we have learned about from the Bushies, “collateral damage.”

Do not dare feel sorry for me about this, and let me underline the point: I am a highly privileged, senior faculty member at a very wealthy institution, and many other bloggers are not. Furthermore, regardless of this messy coming-out period, my strategy actually worked. Because of this blog *and its audience*, I was able to start writing again, to finish articles that were lying about undone, to write a book review for the Village Voice, to write a book proposal, to get going on revising the book that various people and committees eliminated all over during the Unfortunate Events, to do a ton of research on a new project and to begin speaking about some critical reforms that might really help faculty – on the right and the left – enjoy their work as academics again. In other words: I Saved Myself. And I have been transformed into something more powerful as a result of my trials.
So really, I am less like Dorothy Gale and more like the Incredible Hulk.

Therefore, in its anonymous incarnation, the blog is provoking some of the things I was trying to evade, such as gossip, misperceptions and misrepresentations that are annoying to me and to others. I have one friend (an untenured person in fact who displayed a level of maturity and friendship that should cause hir to be tenured immediately) who called immediately upon discovering the blog and said, “I love it but do not ever write about me.” This was useful – not because I was going to write about this person – but because I could actually say that and be properly reassuring. And this friend has been one of the people whose counsel has been really important as I rethink my blogging ethic. So I would like to extend that position – the possibility of speaking to me – to whatever public I have. Use it or not as you will, but now, my friends, you know everything I know.
So you needn’t say goodbye to the Tenured Radical – she will be here. The difference is that you will now also know that she is eminent nuclear physicist Dr. Robert Bruce Banner.
There I go again! Stop it!
Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!
I'm glad you're still writing and critiquing academia! I would just add one thing:
RRRRAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRR! Tenure committee? Hulk smash!
Although I argued against your making this move, as I believed it to be unnecessary, I want to congratualte you on making it. You actually provide a compelling reason, namely that you were not comfortable with the quasi-anonymous situation. This change in circumstance is a much better thing to do than to have quit blogging, which would have been the other way of handling this.
What you post here is interesting and informative. I hope that the change will not cause you to change you blogging habits. Living in an institutional situation that is so very different from Zenith (sorry, I like the old name), you insights are especially facinating. It amazes me that many of the problems and issues you run into have analogues in my less prestigious world. This is very useful in putting things in perspective. Thank you for this.
There is another positive that comes from this change. You can now speak with the full authority of you professional status. For those of us who remain lurking in the shadows of anonymity, we only have the words we post to convey our status. As is well known, some bloggers (like some Wikipedia people) claim things about themselves that are untrue. For you now, the shadow of this perennial potential doubt has been removed once and for all. I believe that this is good.
In closing, I believe that I will have to reconsider my own anonymity, in the light of your choice. You have already made me reconsider and revise my previous views on tenure. Thus, you have given me something further to think about. Many thanks and, once again, congratulations!
The Combat Philosopher
I will still think of you as Tenured Radical!!
Great post... and great work. I am so glad that the blog helped you find your voice, and your professional self, again. The world needs to hear it.
Great decision, and a great case for it. I look forward to much more in months to come!
Certainly more interesting than airport blogging! One observation from someone who uses a paper-thin pseudonym: anyone who's interested in who you are will check your profile, so posting your name on the front page seems a bit redundant to me. As your Hulk references make clear, the whole alter ego/secret identity thing is part of the fun of blogging (I chose my tag because my co-blogger rightly rejected Simple Simon/Even Stephen and to get back at him I suggested we take on Mexican wrestling-style pseudonyms); whatever stupid name we choose (even our real ones), our authority mostly comes from our bloggy voices (and I'm overjoyed to hear your bloggy writing is sparking your official scholarly writing--it's one of the reasons I started CitizenSE); and you'll always be "Tenured Radical" to your old-school and pre-TR 2.0 readers. So I don't see any harm in keeping your name off your front page even in this incarnation of the blog.
For what it's worth.
Glad that you found a solution that works for you, and equally glad that I could attend your coming-out party. Excellent finger-food, and an open bar, too!
Dear all,
Thanks much for your comments -- and thanks Carine, for your advice to "never mind" the toxic comment from an anonymous person. I went one step further -- I deleted it!
As Sisyphus noted,
If I don't get to be sarcastic and obnoxious, even when I am fictionalizing life, my readers don't get to be anonymously nasty to me without getting disappeared.
Poof! Anonymous. You are gone! Try not to be a jerk in the future.
My longer comments are here:
But just wanted to say that I am super glad to hear you got your writing groove back. Very inspiring story for a tadpole academic.
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