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I just want to say: gays were not involved in logo design or color choice. |
But maybe you have never been to an Annual Meeting, you are a graduate student, and you aren't sure what to do after you gay marry. Sure, you can run around to cool panels with famous people on them, and you should definitely go to your friends' papers and show up at your own panel. But what else? Read on: I can't link everything worthwhile on this great program, but here are a few that caught my eye in the first 48 hours.
Thursday there are some great teaching workshops going on all day. You don't have to be very far along in your grad school career to attend one or more of these since they could keep the first few years of your teaching career from being a confusing hell. Try How to Create An Undergraduate Course and How To Become An Effective Lecturer on for size, as well as Wise Use of the Methods Course in the afternoon. Hint: for those of you with conference interviews, attending these workshops is a bonus, since it might give you some ideas that would allow you to take the teaching part of your interview in a direction that is new and unexpected. Imagine a conversation that begins with you saying, "Yesterday I heard Derek Musgrove talking about an interesting technique that I would like to try out. For the survey, I think I would tweak it a little (blah, blah, blah.")
Thursday afternoon? How about, instead of reading on this blog that, hypothetically, it would be great if historians were trained for careers other than teaching, find out what those careers already look like at Careers in History: The Variety Of The Profession.
Friday at 9:00 A.M. the Book Exhibit opens. This is a critical venue for meeting, greeting, and being introduced to others. Remember the Radical Rules of the Road when in mixed company:
- Greet your graduate mentors but do not cling to them. In fact it is best, when you see them, to look as though you have somewhere very important to be. Practice saying into the mirror: "Gosh, it's really great to run into you -- I'm off to the Chapel Hill booth to meet up with a friend/an editor/someone on my panel. Have a great meeting!" Only break this rule if they happen to be with someone very important in your field, in which case, keep a keen eye out for an introduction. Count slowly to five in your head: if the introduction is not forthcoming, skate out of there.
- Leave any and everyone before they leave you. If you see someone's eyes drifting over your shoulder, even slightly, say warmly: "I've really got to run -- so nice to have had a chance to say hello," then skate.
- If there is someone you know, but are unsure whether to greet or not, casually pick up a book and leaf through it. If said person greets you, look very surprised and say: "OmygodIcan'tbelieveIdidn't see you!"
- If someone important calls you by the wrong name, let them. If they do it twice, correct them. If they keep doing it, forget it. There is one historian, who will remain nameless, who has greeted me for twenty five years as if I were Isabel V. Hull of Cornell, and I no longer correct her.
- If you run into someone you just did a hotel room interview with, you don't have to act like you are employed by an escort service and pretend you have never met them. Smile and nod; if you are close enough to speak say hello and say you had a good time in the interview. Even if you didn't.
- Have one sentence to say about your dissertation if a senior scholar asks. One. "I'm writing about the transgender community in Havana after the Cuban Revolution," for example. Most people are just asking to be polite, although in the rare instance that the person really is interested in it, be conversational -- do not launch into your interview speech.
- Never, never, never ask a senior scholar what s/he is working on unless you are dinner partners. Your just-to-be-polite question is: "Are you having a good meeting?"
- Check compulsively, but discreetly, to make sure your fly is not open.
In the same time slot is Getting A Job At A Community College, which is unfortunate. But if you have been on the market for several years, if you realize that teaching is your bag, if you are part of an academic couple -- why not find out? And learn a little more about the kind of institution where the majority of students start their college career?
Other Friday events that look promising are the International History publishing roundtable, which has an all-star cast, including Susan Ferber of Oxford University Press; Social Science Research Council info session; Revisiting the Teaching of Religious History
And of course, if you want to meet Tenured Radical go here. Women historians and feminists of all genders will want to attend the Coordinating Council for Women in History reception.
Those workshops make me wish I were a historian. The interviewing and teaching workshops in particular would be so very helpful!
Good luck at your panel! I love the crazy zany world of the AHA.
Check compulsively, but discreetly, to make sure your fly is not open.
I'll be goddamned if I didn't just snort my bourbon, TR. (And thank my lucky, lucky stars I'm nowhere near my own discipline's big old annual hoopla.) Happy conferencing, and happier-still new year.
Hmm, I went to Cornell and you don't look like Isabel Hull and you're quite a bit younger too. Oh well.
A while back, at the AHA, one of my friends had an interview with Great Women's College. A few hours later, she went to relax in the whirlpool at the conference hotel. Much to her surprise, GWC's search committee chair had the same idea and she was bubbling away when Interviewee approached. After a moment of panic, Interviewee, anticipating TR's advice about not avoiding search committee members, climbed right in, GWC brought her to campus.
"And of course, if you want to meet Tenured Radical go here."
Well, I want to meet TR! But I can't, 'cos I'll be at the humanities' equivalent, the MLA, which interestingly (or not) meets on exactly the same dates as the AHA this year.
Until this year, in fact, we used to meet between Christmas and New Year - a throwback, I reckon, to an era when professors were mostly married men, who by December 27th had had quite enough of "family time", thank you, and were dying for an excuse to leave wife and offspring at home to pursue some university-sponsored shenanigans in overpriced hotels. But we're now officially over that.
Wait! Wut? I thought this fucken thing is in LA??? All the other humanities bloggers are all like "I'm going to LA in my fancy glasses and new clothes!!! LALALALALALA!!!!!!!"
Naw, CPP. Historians think that (one meeting in San Diego aside) meeting in cold cities that have a tendency to get snowed in in early January shows that we're Very Serious. And there's a lot more ill-fitting tweed jackets and bad glasses from the 1980s at the AHA than at MLA.
I think it's nucken futz, but then, I'm a crazzy former midwesterner/northeasterner who ditched that scene for the sunny West, and think that a much nicer routine of cities would be Miami, Dallas, Phoenix, LA/San Diego, and San Francisco.
Have fun in Boston, TR and everyone! I'd like to say I'm missing you all, but. . . I don't miss the AHA in Boston, which as I recall involves a LOT of schlepping up and down Beacon street in heavy winter coats.
This is one AHA I will regret not attending. Sadly, too many conferences this year, like... BERKS!
Yay Berks! We need a blogger meetup, no?
I wish I could sit in on your panel. alas, I'm in Vermont. If there are folks doing work on the seventies Lesbian world, will you pass along the word about the DYKE A Quarterly online archive?? I really want scholars to know about this resource.
Hope I can get to The Berks.
thanks a million.
thanks for the "DYKE" tip! I never go to AHA except as part of a hiring process (too Western for my field), but as the sole queer historian at my SLAC I advise students doing queer history projects. TR, will your paper be available?
Why don't we ask senior scholars about their current work?
Alas, even though I love Boston, I am skipping the AHA this year. Have a good time!
It's generally true that Boston is, indeed, "a city that is unionized up the yin-yang" -- at least, as compared to most U.S. cities. But don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet, because: the AHA planning committee strikes (no pun intended) again! While neither under boycott nor embroiled in an active labor dispute, the Marriott Copley -- the conference's main venue -- is pretty much the ONLY Copley Square hotel that's NOT unionized.
So if you're fixing to meet up with a friend/editor/grad school flame/advisor over the course of the conference, why not choose the storied Oak Bar at the Fairmont Copley, or the watering holes at the Westin Copley or the Sheraton instead?
Another important rule of conferences, especially for shy people:
You should meet someone new at every meal.
No, you can't just hang out with the friends you are comfortable with.
Oh. No. I am a very junior fac. member and have run into sr. fac. and have asked what they're working on, not realizing that this is bad form. Could someone explain in more detail why this is a no-no?
This is awesome advice--should be required reading for those who go any of these big disciplinary conferences (MLA, APA, etc.).
That said, reading it made me SO GLAD that I am unlikely ever to go to one of these again.
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